Zach Heywood



A Practices Coach at BNZ, with more than 8 years agile experience, Zach has worked in private, public and banking organisations. These were primarily in Scrum Master, Agile Coach and Business Analysis roles.

Zach works with Redvespa in a BA and Scrum Master capacity, and has experience in Product, Design Thinking and Agile (although in his mind they kind of go hand in hand).

He is passionate about growing high performing Product Teams, and helping them to deliver cool things in a sustainable way.

Zach has taken part in delivering some pretty awesome stuff over the last eight years, including NotifyUs for the Privacy Commissioner in anticipation of changes to the Privacy Act. He also worked on some pretty clever applications in the Building Sector.

Outside of work Zach spent around 8 years as a professional wrestler, helping to teach character classes in the Auckland based Impact Pro Wrestling training school. He also had a brief stint doing stand-up comedy, taking part in a show during the NZ Comedy Festival.


The Power of Empathy: Applying Personas and Empathy
Mapping to help you Re:Form your WoW

45 min workshop

It's often said that empathy is the missing agile value.

When leaders work to form agile ways of working, sometimes processes and tools come first.

Personas and Empathy Mapping are two great Design Thinking techniques, often used during Product Development.

In this workshop we will discuss the importance of understanding the people within your organisation, the power of Personas, and how empathy mapping can help you re:form your ways of working.